
Programele și concursurile organizate de CCDG în România:

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Programul Eco Scoala



Programul LeAF



Programul YRE



Programul Green Key



Programul Blue Flag


About us


Carpathian Danubian Centre for Geoecology


About us:

Carpathian Danubian Centre for Geoecology (CCDG) is a non-guvernamental and non-profit organization since 1996, full member of Foundation of Environmental Education (FEE) since 2006, fully implementing five of its programmes: Blue Flag, Eco-Schools, Learning about Forests (LeAF), Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) and Green Key. The organisation encourages the schools from Romania to organize various environment awareness projects and find solutions to conserve biodiversity.

All its members are volunteers and the finances come from different resources, such as: the contribution of its members, sponsors, promoting programme projects and levies of the programmes.

Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation aiming to promote sustainable development through environmental education (formal school education, training of staff and general awareness raising).

FEE is mainly active through five environmental education programmes: Blue Flag, Eco-Schools, Young Reporters for the Environment, Learning about Forests and Green Key. All the information about FEE can be found on the website:

FEE is an international umbrella organisation with one national member organisation per country representing FEE on the national level and in charge of implementing FEE programmes nationally. FEE has member organisations in 60 countries worldwide.

When a national organisation is accepted as member of FEE it becomes “associate member of FEE”. Within 3-5 years of FEE membership, the organisation must become “full member of FEE” (which means that it has fully implemented at least two FEE programmes).


Major Objective:

initiating environmental education activities, supervising and protecting the environment, research activities;


General Objectives:

informing the civil society and the stakeholders on the environmental issues;
raising the awareness of the public on environmental issues at local, regional and national level;
popularisation of the declared protected areas and marking new areas that need to be protected;
monitoring the polluted areas and the sources of pollution;
attracting young people into the scientific research of the environment;
organising annual seminars (The National Seminar “Partnership in the Education for the Environment”) and partnership for The National Seminar of the Geography Students, in collaboration with the: Centrul de Cercetare a Mediului şi Efectuare a Studiilor de Impact, Faculty of Geography - University from Bucharest and Centrul de Perfecţionare a Profesorilor de Ştiinţele Vieţii şi Pământului.


Starting partnerships with:

  • University from Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, in 1992;
  • The Ministry of National Education, in 2000, for the running of the Eco-Schools programme;
  • The Ministry of Environment Protection and Forests, in 2000
  • The Romanian – Danish cooperation in order to implement the programme “Learning about Forests”, 2003-2004;
  • European Commission Programme LIFE Nature “Conservation of the Large Carnivores
  • The European Commission Programme DG XI LIFE Nature LIFE 00 /NAT/ 007171 “The National Park The Iron Gates – Conservation and Management of the Habitats”;
  • The Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport, for the development of the FEE programmes in Romania, 18 March 2004
  • The National Authority for Tourism, in order to run the Blue Flag Programme, 18 July 2004
  • The Prefecture of the City of Bucharest and the School Inspectorate of the City of Bucharest, February 2005
  • The National Agency for the Environmental Protection, in 2006
  • The UNESCO Comission for Romania, in 2009
  • UNEP programme: 2010- International Year of Biodiversity
  • European Schoolnet, august 2010, for the paneuropean U4ENERGY project


  • the biannual volume: “Partnership for environmental education”- published on April 22, for the Earth Day and launched on October at The National Seminar “Partnership in the Education for the Environment”; since now, have been published 7 volumes;
  • LeAF book, a collection of articles and materials received from the teachers involved in the “LeAF- programme”, first edition, 2009;
  • articles in the “DECE” Magazine, 2008-2010;
  • the annual CCDG newspaper, launched on the National Seminar “Partnership in the Education for the Environment”


Activities organized and run by CCDG – selection:

  • the first campaign of questioning the public opinion on the environment state in the Danube Delta;
  • realising the leaflet “Man in relationship with the environment in the Danube Delta”;
  • realising the leaflet “The Iron Gates – National Park or Reservation if the Biosphere”, the first popularisation action of this protected area and organizing the workshop “Role and means of the Environmental Education – The National Park The Iron Gates”, within the programme 1536;
  • actions of cleaning national parks and natural reservations;
  • organizing the annual National CCDG Seminar, since 1999;
  • launching projects for each of the programmes;
  • organising the workshop “Blue Flag - a sustainable alternative for the Romanian coast”, November 2002
  • organising 3 Blue Flag Seminars, together with the National Authority for Tourism in Mangalia, Eforie, Mamaia, August 2004 and one in Bucharest, September 2004
  • the National Seminar “Partnership in the Education for the Environment”, hold every year, on October workshops in Targoviste, Giurgiu and Galati, 2009-2010 school year

Ziua Verde a Eco-Scolilor din Romania


Plantați un copăcel de ZIUA VERDE A ECO-ȘCOLILOR DIN ROMÂNIA - 29.10.2024, la orele 12:00! În acest mod veți participa la ZIUA DE ACȚIUNE A VOLUNTARILOR CCDG, iar copiii / elevii vor înțelege importanța implicării directe în dezvoltarea spațiilor verzi de care avem atâta nevoie. Succes în activitatea dumneavoastră de apărători ai mediului!


sigla FEE

Despre CCDG

CCDG este o organizaţie neguvernamentalǎ ce furnizează programe educaţionale de calitate, în  scopul unui mediu sustenabil.

Obiectivul nostru este de a oferi programe care promovează relaţii durabile între copii, adulţi şi mediul înconjurător, realizând că educaţia eficientă trebuie să se extindă dincolo de sala de clasă şi că principiile de ecologie, justiţie şi egalitate trebuie să fie evidente la toate nivelurile societǎţii.

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Contact CCDG

  • Str. Barbu Lăutaru, Nr. 8, BL. 23, SC. B, Parter, AP. 56, sector 1, Bucureşti


  • e-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.
  • mobil: 0731.713.714

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