Criteria's for the National Programmes

Learning about Forest


 LeAF theme 2023/2024


Products, Benefits and Services from the Forest”




Organising institution

Institution organising the national programme is an associate or full member of FEE or an affiliate member of FEE with a written contract with the national associate or full member of FEE.


National operator

Organising institution appoints national operator who is responsible for the overall co-ordination of the national programme.


National steering committee

Broad-based national steering committee for the programme is established with representatives from various co-operating partners. Partners should represent social, ecological and economical values of forests, as well as educational experts. For example, national authorities of Forestry and Education, forest economic and industry interests, environmental organisations, teacher / teacher training organisations, labour union for foresters, etc. The main duty of the committee is to guide the programme to deliver suitable activities, materials and contacts.


Programme activities and materials

All programme activities, teacher trainings, materials for students and teachers are in accordance with LEAF programme vision, mission and philosophy.

Specifically, national programme, through its activities and materials:

  • covers multiple functions of forests (an ecological understanding of forests or forest processes, an economical dimension of forests and a socio-cultural understanding of forests);
  • encourages participating schools/classes/groups to include field trips to forests in their learning about forests activities;
  • if possible, addresses common international theme of LEAF and encourages schools/classes/groups to choose it for their work.


Reports to international coordination

The national operator must submit one report each year (due at the end of April) to the international co-ordination. The report shall include:

  • Partners involved (schools and institutions)
  • Programme activities
  • Programme materials
  • If possible, number and grade of pupils involved


Programme aspects for national operators

The school/class/group must work on at least one forest topic a year.

The topic must include:

  • An ecological understanding of forests or forest processes
  • An economic dimension of forests
  • A socio-cultural understanding of forests

The school/class/group shall be encouraged to choose the theme of LEAF.

The forest project must involve at least one field trip to a forest, as well as work in the classroom.


International interaction

National operator is encouraged to use LEAF international network potential at its maximum:

  • to share national materials and good practices on the LEAF website
  • to take part in National Operators Meetings and other networking opportunities
  • Support schools/classes/groups find partner schools/classes/groups for international cooperation and exchange



Ziua Verde a Eco-Scolilor din Romania


Plantați un copăcel de ZIUA VERDE A ECO-ȘCOLILOR DIN ROMÂNIA - 29.10.2024, la orele 12:00! În acest mod veți participa la ZIUA DE ACȚIUNE A VOLUNTARILOR CCDG, iar copiii / elevii vor înțelege importanța implicării directe în dezvoltarea spațiilor verzi de care avem atâta nevoie. Succes în activitatea dumneavoastră de apărători ai mediului!


sigla FEE

Despre CCDG

CCDG este o organizaţie neguvernamentalǎ ce furnizează programe educaţionale de calitate, în  scopul unui mediu sustenabil.

Obiectivul nostru este de a oferi programe care promovează relaţii durabile între copii, adulţi şi mediul înconjurător, realizând că educaţia eficientă trebuie să se extindă dincolo de sala de clasă şi că principiile de ecologie, justiţie şi egalitate trebuie să fie evidente la toate nivelurile societǎţii.

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Contact CCDG

  • Str. Barbu Lăutaru, Nr. 8, BL. 23, SC. B, Parter, AP. 56, sector 1, Bucureşti


  • e-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.
  • mobil: 0731.713.714

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